Please read an important letter from the Superintendent about a Positive COVID-19 Case at Windsor Elementary School. You will be contacted by the school by phone if your student had direct contact with the individual. Out of an abundance of caution, all schools in RSU 12 will do remote learning starting immediately through Tuesday, October 6th. Students will return on October 7th for in-person learning if it is prudent to do so. Here is the link to a letter from the Superintendent with more information,
over 4 years ago, Howard Tuttle, Superintendent
Please read an important letter from the Superintendent about a Probable COVID-19 Case at Windsor Elementary School. A Probable Case means that the individual has symptoms associated with COVID-19 and they had direct contact with someone who tested positive. You will be contacted by the school by phone if your student had direct contact with the individual. Here is the link to a letter with more information,
over 4 years ago, Howard Tuttle, Superintendent
Our apologies, but the link in the message sent Friday afternoon was bad. Here is a corrected link. Here is the original message: The Maine Department of Education is gathering information about students and staff who lack access to Internet AND cellular service in their homes. Their hope is to continue to remove barriers to remote learning by advocating for improvements in infrastructure. If you have NEITHER reliable Internet NOR quality cellular service at your residence, please take a moment before September 30 to complete this brief survey so that we can help improve connectivity. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, RSU 12
The Maine Department of Education is gathering information about students and staff who lack access to Internet AND cellular service in their homes. Their hope is to continue to remove barriers to remote learning by advocating for improvements in infrastructure. If you have NEITHER reliable Internet NOR quality cellular service at your residence, please take a moment before September 30 to complete this brief survey so that we can help improve connectivity. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, RSU 12
Starting tomorrow, September 23, remote learner families who have signed up for the lunch program may pick up food in the gym lobby from 9-10 am. This will continue on Wednesdays in addition to Friday food/materials pickup from 2:30-4pm.
over 4 years ago, Heather Wilson
Our school newsletter comes out each Friday. If you do not receive it in your email, please check your Promotions tab. Here is last Friday's newsletter.
over 4 years ago, Heather Wilson
Attention remote learners' parents: We will be having a pickup time today from 2:30-4pm in the gym. If you have materials your child's teacher should have contacted you. Also, if you asked to be part of the meal program, meals will be available for pickup today as well. Have a wonderful day!
over 4 years ago, Heather Wilson
Parents who have chosen the remote learning option, please note that we will be having pick-up days every Friday from 2:30-4pm. At this time you may come to the school's gym lobby to pick up library books, workbooks, art supplies, remote devices, etc. that you child's teacher has waiting for you. Teachers will be in communication with you if there are materials for you to pick up. We are still waiting to hear from many of you whether you need a device or if you are planning to participate in our meal pick up program. Please email me at if you have not already spoken with a teacher about these matters. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Heather Wilson
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is extending the Summer Food Service Program through December 2020. What does this mean to RSU 12 students and families? Free School Meals (breakfast and lunch) for all students until the end of December, 2020. FREE MEALS will be available to all in-school students. FREE MEALS will be available to all remote learning students for parent/guardian pick-up. If your child is a remote learner and you would like to pick up meals for them, please contact their school next week.
over 4 years ago, RSU 12
Windsor Elementary School's phones are back up and running. If you need to reach the office, you can call them at 445-2356 as usual. Thank you for your patience!
over 4 years ago, Windsor Elementary
Thank you for your patience this morning during drop-off! We were so happy that many of you were able to drop your children off, and realize that we need to give you more space. Tomorrow we will utilize the loop through the staff parking lot. This should make things go a bit quicker, but with the help of staff we did it all in 20 minutes today!
over 4 years ago, Heather Wilson
The phone lines at Windsor School have down this morning. We are working with the phone company to get them repaired ASAP. In the meantime, if you need to reach the school, please call RSU 12 Central Office at 549-3261, and you will be connected. Sorry for any inconvenience.
over 4 years ago, RSU 12
Here is the drop-off and pick-up procedures for Windsor School. Please read this carefully as several things have changed this year. If your child takes the bus, s/he will have their temperature taken upon entering the bus. S/he must wear a mask and will have an assigned seat. Upon arrival at school, the pre-k to second graders will get off first. The 3-5 kids will get off next, followed by the middle schoolers. Students will go to their classroom, where they will wash their hands before eating breakfast. Once they are seated, they may take off their masks to eat. We have extended breakfast time to 8:30 as we realize things will take more time this year. If your child is dropped off, we are asking you to wait in your car until a staff member indicates it is your child’s turn to come in. They will take your child’s temperature and then s/he will go to the classroom for breakfast. Middle school students can be dropped off at the gym entrance. All other students should be dropped off at the back main entrance. If you have multiple children, drop them off at the youngest child’s entrance. Dismissal will be at 2:00 this year, so students who ride the bus will be called out by grade level, starting with the older students. Again, there will be assigned seats on the bus, and masks must be worn. If you pick up your child, we are asking you to let us know as early in the day as possible so that we can let teachers know. Please do not arrive at pickup time and call the office. We are asking you to let us know your pickup plans before 1:30. If you know you are picking your child up every day, you can send in an email or note to that effect once. You may begin arriving to pick up your child as early as 1:50. When you arrive, we will have a cell number posted you to text with your child’s name and teacher. We will then send your child out under adult supervision. As you can imagine, this will take some patience on all fronts, so please remember that we are all doing our best.
over 4 years ago, Heather Wilson
over 4 years ago, Heather Wilson
Previously published letter from Mrs. Wilson to prek-2 families
over 4 years ago, Heather Wilson
The school board agenda and other documents including RSU 12's proposed Reopening Plan for the August 13, 2020 Board meeting can be found here, You can watch the board meeting streamed on the RSU 12 Youtube Channel here,
over 4 years ago, RSU 12
RSU 12 is pleased to announce that the Boys & Girls Club plans to offer before and after school child care at Chelsea, Whitefield, and Windsor Schools assuming there is enough interest. If you would like to sign your child up for care at any of these locations, please visit and complete the registration packet. Specific questions about the child care program can be directed to the Boys & Girls Club at 207-582-8458.
over 4 years ago, RSU 12
A letter about RSU 12 plans for reopening schools has been posted on our website. It is critical for parents/caregivers to read this letter and complete the survey that is linked in the letter. You can find the letter here,
over 4 years ago, Howard Tuttle, Superintendent
Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 14th is voting day. The RSU 12 School Budget is on the ballot. Please remember to vote!
over 4 years ago, RSU 12