Remote Learning Pickup time continues on Fridays from 2:30 to 4pm. Materials will now be available in the main office lobby, so please come to that area for pickup. An additional pickup time is being held today, January 4, from 2:30-4pm for those parents who have been asked to get materials today. Again, the location is in the office lobby.

RSU 12's School Board recently voted to change the school calendar. Please take note of these important changes. Wednesday early release time will now be at 11:30 am. Students will all still receive a lunch before dismissal. This change will remain in effect for the remainder of the school year. Additionally, there will be two teacher workshop days added. Students will not have school on January 29, 2020 and March 26, 2020.

RSU 12 schools are closed today, December 17th, due to the predicted snowstorm.

An important letter regarding remote/in person learning is going home with all in-person students today. Please read the letter and respond as necessary by December 18. Letters will be mailed to remote families. Thank you

Our Book Fair is up and running! Parents may visit us in the gym from 2:30-7pm tonight (December 4) and next Friday (December 11) to shop in person.

School picture retakes are scheduled for tomorrow, November 18, for students who missed the first picture day or wish to have their pictures redone. Remote students are welcome to come to school anytime between 8:30 and 10:00 am.

Our annual Food Drive kicks off tomorrow, November 9! Students are encouraged to bring in non-perishable items for our food cupboard. We feed many families each week, and hope to provide a full Thanksgiving meal to at least 15 families. One class in each wing will win a prize at the end of the drive on Friday, November 20.

Windsor School is experiencing difficulties with our phone system. If you need to reach the school, please call 549-3261 and Central Office will reroute your call to our office. You can also email the office at sdancer@svrsu.org or bwilson@svrsu.org. Thank you

The Maine Department of Education and ConnectME Authority have contracted Redzone Wireless to provide broadband access to staff and student locations in your area to support remote learning. Please complete the form at the website linked below by November 8th to be included in the program.
A Redzone representative will contact you to arrange an installation appointment to ensure that your location is connected before December 30. For more information and to complete the form visit https://www.redzonewireless.com/cares

Reminder: On Tuesday, November 3 we are having a remote learning day. Students will be given assignments to complete at home. Pre-k students who go to Somerville School will still be attending in person, and the bus will pick them up close to their normal pick-up time.

Dirigo Lodge #104 A.F. & A.M. has had great success with the Bikes For Books at Windsor Elementary School for the past eight years. The 2019 program awarded 20 new bikes and helmets to very excited students. A total of 148 bikes have been awarded thus far.
Dirigo Lodge #104 had planned to award an additional 20 bikes in June 2020. Windsor Elementary School was closed early in 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions. Dirigo Lodge #104 has also had difficulty in obtaining bikes to award in 2020. Dirigo Lodge has decided to award the bikes as they become available. Bikes will be awarded for Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades during the last week of October.
Bikes for Books is a reading incentive program for students in Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth grade. Every time a student reads a book and passes an Accelerated Reader test, his or her name is entered into a drawing to win a new bicycle and helmet. One boy and one girl are chosen from each grade level. The more books a student reads, the more chances he or she has to win.
The Bikes for Books program is made possible through partnerships within our local community businesses. The company's donation is matched 2:1 with a grant from the Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation. The program for 2020 was made possible by the following businesses: Hussey's General Store, J.C. Stone Inc., Mark’s Saw Shop, Norm's Small Engine, Netco Inc., Ron’s Auto Electric, Rideout's Market & Grill, Windsor Veterinary Clinic, Elmer’s Barn, Aunt Gin’s Restaurant, and Otto’s Restaurant.

Just a reminder; but 27 (Jeff's bus) has no afternoon substitute. Students who ride this bus home will need to stay at school until another bus can take them home. They will arrive home approximately one hour late. Thank you for understanding.

Lincoln County is distributing FREE food boxes starting Monday, October 26th at 6 locations around the county. These boxes contain 20+ pounds of produce, meat and dairy products. This event is funded by the USDA and any person, regardless of income or residency is encouraged to join in. The locations will be drive-through service and the boxes will be loaded into your vehicle for you.
Some locations include:
Monday, Oct. 26 2:30-6:00pm Waldoboro Town Office
Tuesday, Oct. 27 9:00am-12:30pm Wiscasset Community Center
Wednesday, Oct. 28 1:30-5:30pm Whitefield Calvary Baptist Church
Please spread the word to your family, friends, neighbors of this event.
There are A LOT of boxes coming, and they want to make sure they don’t go to waste!
See https://www.lincolncountymaine.me/ for a full list of locations and dates for pickup.

Remote learners are welcome to come to Windsor School on Friday, October 23 from noon until 1:00 for school pictures. If you would like to order online, go to mylifetouch.com and use the Picture Day ID: EVT7KSR2N.

Reminder: Every Friday from 2:30-4pm remote learners may pick up materials in the gym lobby. If you have not signed your remote contract and/or technology use form, these will be available to you at that time. We also have food available for those who have signed up. See you tomorrow!

Students who ride bus 23 (Mr. Josh) were told that they will be picked up late tomorrow morning, October 8. We have since found a substitute driver so they will be picked up on time. In the afternoon, students who ride bus 23 will need to stay after school for approximately one hour, when another bus driver can transport them home. They will be supervised by staff until the bus can take them home. Please direct any questions to hwilson@svrsu.org. Thank you

We have decided to postpone picture day, originally scheduled for Wednesday, October 7. We will let you know when the newly scheduled day is on our calendar. Thank you for your understanding.

As planned, all schools in RSU 12 will resume in-person learning starting tomorrow, Wednesday, October 7, 2020. If your student was contacted and told to quarantine, then they should continue to do so. Thank you to everyone for following the safety protocols in our schools. We look forward to resuming in-person learning tomorrow.

Our garden area needs tilling! If you have a rototiller that you would be willing to loan to us for two days next week, we would be so grateful. Help us move to phase two of our garden plan. Thanks so much!

We would like to deliver three days' worth of food to families on Monday, October 5. If you would like meals, please email Becky Wilson today at bwilson@svrsu.org with the following information: 1. # of children 2. Bus driver's name 3. Address Thank you!