The K Krew visited the Hannaford Whitten Rd in Augusta today! We had a great time! Our tour guide gave us a dragon fruit to try when we returned. What an awesome treat and a silly name for fruit😉
NJHS is looking for supply donations to take to the Ronald McDonald House in Portland on June 14th. Please see attached photos for more information.
Today the students of Whitefield School participated in our annual Day of Caring. Most of the activities were held outside. Due to the large amount of ticks, we encourage parents and guardians to conduct a thorough tick check when your child gets home.
Whitefield Library Open House and Fundraiser.
Please remember that tomorrow, May 30th, is a full day of school. It will be a 2:20pm dismissal.
There will be no Pre-K classes on June 4th and 5th at Whitefield School. The Pre-K program will be closed for incoming Pre-k screening. If you have any questions, please call the school.
This wooden box was in found last week in the lost and found at Whitefield School. If this belongs to you please call the school and identify what was inside the box along with the photo. If you recognize the people in the photo, please have them contact the school. This obviously has a lot of sentimental value and we would love to see it returned to it's owners.
Accepting Yearbook orders until May 25th
RSU 12 District Budget Meeting will be held tonight, May 17, 2018, at 6:30pm at the Chelsea Elementary School.
All RSU 12 residents are encouraged to attend.
RSU 12 Budget Meeting
May 17, 2018, 6:30pm
Chelsea Elementary School
Applications now being taken for the Pre-K program.
You can call the number on the flyer or stop be Whitefield School for an application.
The staff at Whitefield would like to give a BIG thank you to our PTA. They provided personalized goodie baskets to all the staff this week for Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week.
This morning Whitefield School temporarily lost water. A pressure switch malfunctioned and needed to be replaced. The water was off and on for approximately 1 hour causing some minor inconveniences. The new switch has been installed and the water is up and running.
Dear Parents, Family, and Friends,
Hello! I would like to invite you to our Spring Concert for grades K-5. The concert will take place during the school day on Thursday, May 31st at 9:30am. Parents should arrive no earlier than 9:10am. The concert is expected to last 30-40 minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or the school.
Mr. Morgan
Music Teacher
Chelsea/Whitefield Elementary
Whitefield Collaborative Problem Solving Project
April 30, 2018
Participants present: Amy Perkins, Ben Marcus, Cheryl Johnson, Clint Towle, Delia Dearnley, Howie Tuttle, Jake Mathews, Jeanne Grady, Karen McCormick, Kendra Anderson, Lucinda Lee, Niki Mathews, Sue McKeen, Tara DeLisle, Terri Blair, Tom Soule
Not present: Anthony Anderson, Jen Noftall, Keith Marple, Lisa Kalloch, Lynette Conroy
Facilitator: Joan Morin
The collaborative process involves the participants to first identify the issue, then list the interest with regard to the identified issue, brainstorm options for potential resolution and finally reach consensus on the desired option.
The dictation of the newsprint shows verbatim, the identified issue, the interest of the issue, the options that were brainstormed and the consensus that was reached.
Chart 1: Agenda
Accept 4/2 & 4/23 Minutes Consensus
What needs to happen for each of you to believe that change is possible and that members are committed to supporting change?
Niki- share and discuss behavior data
Review student incident process & protocol form
Issues: Safety & health Topics
Decisions and Discussions:
Project members accepted the April 2nd and April 23rd minutes with no modifications. Members responded to the question, What needs to happen for each of you to believe that change is possible and that members are committed to supporting change? Various responses were shared. Many expressed that they need to hear the issues and what cause the matter to be on the list and once the issue explanation has been shared, move to resolution.
Members felt that some members of the group have an agenda that makes it difficult for the group to move forward. All believe that there were/are issues that need discussion and resolution. However, are encouraged by the evident awareness and change of everyone. Everyone believed that working collaboratively and being “Champions of Change” will create a school culture and climate that is respectful, kind and supportive for all.
Members felt that if any member felt frustrated or believed the process will not begin to bring about change, than they should consider whether their participation is positively contributing to change or potentially preventing the group from moving forward. If the later, consider removing themselves from the Project. It was also suggested that if a member’s behavior was preventing the group from moving forward than the member(s) may be asked to leave the project.
Niki shared and explained the collected Whitefield behavior data. Full year data has been collected since 2016-17. Incidences of various behavior infractions are documented on the “red form” by teachers and school employees. The principal and/or Niki review every form for potential action. Since the inception of the reporting, inappropriate behavior has declined. (see attached charting)
Howard Tuttle, Superintendent shared the draft of the new “Student Incident Reporting Form”. Superintendent Tuttle will share the form electronically for everyone to review. We will discuss the form at the May 7th meeting.
Agenda for May 7, 2018 5:30 PM Whitefield School
Review and accept the minutes of April 30th.
Revisit whether to modify the quorum agreement. Allow project members who were unable to attend the April 30th meeting to answer;
What needs to happen for each of you to believe that change is possible and that members are committed to supporting change?
Review and modify the Student Incident Reporting Form.
Continue with Safety and Health Issues
Set the May 14th agenda.
Whitefield Collaborative Problem Solving Project
April 23, 2018
Participants present: Ben Marcus, Cheryl Joslyn, Clint Towle, Delia Dearnley, Howie Tuttle, Jen Noftall, Karen McCormick, Keith Marple, Kendra Anderson, Lisa Kalloch, Lucinda Lee, Tom Soule, Sue McKeen
Not present: Amy Perkins, Anthony Anderson, Jake Mathews, Jeanne Grady, Lynette Conroy, Niki Mathews, Tara DeLisle, Terri Blair
Facilitator: Joan Morin
The collaborative process involves the participants to first identify the issue, then list the interest with regard to the identified issue, brainstorm options for potential resolution and finally reach consensus on the desired option.
The dictation of the newsprint shows verbatim, the identified issue, the interest of the issue, the options that were brainstormed and the consensus that was reached.
Options: (April 2, 2018) (to include timeframes and called issue/concern form)
1. Digital Reporting Form completed by student, parent, teacher, staff
2. Dated acknowledgement that form was received to include protocol & process
3. Personal contact to share next steps
4. Investigation
5. Resolution & plan of action
April 23, 2018
6. Write letter of appeal to superintendent
Acknowledge receipt to include process & protocol
Resolution & plan of action
7. Appeal to full board
Board makes determination
To develop form: Howie Tuttle, Tom Soule, Delia Dearnley, Kendra Anderson, Niki Mathews, Karen McCormick
Include timeframes
All steps of process thru appeal
Presented to full group at next meeting
Discussions and Decisions:
We did not have a quorum attending Monday’s meeting, therefore, no consensus was reached on any matter. The members did meet and moved forward with developing the process and protocol for student incident reporting; understanding that the final form and process would need consensus from the members.
A couple of members raised concerns about whether the project should continue due to the perceived slow pace and the thought that a different process might be quicker. The response from other members of the group included such points as; people aren’t always showing up to the meetings, we aren’t meeting on a weekly basis, as agreed to, therefore progress is slowed. Staff representatives did not support the suggestion of disbanding the committee. They felt they have been vilified and disrespected and believe that all issues need to be addressed and resolved. Other members expressed that attitudes and possible differing agendas impeded our progress.
I, Joan explained that the struggles are a result of the group not forming and trusting each other. There appears to be differing agendas that aren’t being fully discussed. I also explained that I would not be interested in facilitating/participating in a different process as I believe a different process would only result in fingering pointing and blaming.
The group continued with its process and was successful at developing a procedure and process for the reporting and resolving of student incidences. The group also reviewed the list of issues and decided to fully discuss all of the safety/health issues at the next meeting.
Next Meeting: April 30th- 5:30 Whitefield School
Issues: Death Threats etc., Safety & Health Topics
Niki – Share and discuss Whitefield’s behavior data
Mid Term Public Report
Review Student Incident Process and Protocol and Form
Accept 4/2 & 4/23 Minutes
Whitefield Collaborative Problem Solving Project
April 2, 2018
Participants present: Amy Perkins, Anthony Anderson, Cheryle Joslyn, Clint Towle, Delia Dearnley, Jeanne Grady, Jen Noftall, Karen McCormick, Keith Marple, Lynette Conroy, Niki Mathews, Sue McKeen, Terri Blair, Tom Soule
Not present: Ben Marcus, Howie Tuttle, Jake Mathews, Kendra Anderson, Lisa Kalloch, Lucinda Lee, Tara DeLisle
Facilitator: Joan Morin
The collaborative process involves the participants to first identify the issue, then list the interest with regard to the identified issue, brainstorm options for potential resolution and finally reach consensus on the desired option.
The dictation of the newsprint shows verbatim, the identified issue, the interest of the issue, the options that were brainstormed and the consensus that was reached.
Chart 1: Issues: Student Incident
Communication parents, staff, students, community
Student safety
Clearly defines protocols & process for the student issue
Parent appeal process
Historical Data available to parents
Thorough investigations
Not blaming the victim in investigations
Resolutions/closure for all involved
Way to report incidents free of shame, intimidation and retaliation
Things that need to reported get reported (mandatory reporting)
Safety and comfort in reporting
Parental reporting of issues
Student education-incident reporting-throughout year on going
Parent education- incident reporting-throughout year on going
Ongoing training of administrators for mandatory reporting
Accountability for all staff, students, parents
Chart 2: Options
1. Digital reporting form completed by (student, parent, teacher, staff)
2. Dated acknowledgement that form was received to include protocol and process
3. Personal contact to share next steps
4. Investigation
5. Resolution and plan of action
Discussions and Determinations:
Joan started the meeting with the concern that we were not making enough progress on the issues. She suggested that we deal with the issue of Student Incidences. The group felt if we could create protocols and procedures for the broad category we would tick many of the original listed issues off the list. The group discussed and began the process of developing the steps of action for student incidences.
Next Meeting 4/23/18 5:30-8:00
Review April 2nd minutes
Niki data presentation
Continue with steps for process and protocol for student incident
Mid Term Public Report to Community
Pre-K enjoyed the warm weather on Wednesday and had lunch outside. What a beautiful day that was!
Now accepting Kindergarten and Pre-K applications.
Please call or stop by Whitefield School for an registration packet
Earlier this week Chewonki Foundation came to Whitefield with an owl presentation. Pr-K and Kindergarten learned all about owls.