Today's softball and baseball games at China will start at 3:30. Good luck Wildcats!

On Wednesday, May 25th, at 6:30pm at the Chelsea Elementary School, the RSU 12 Board of Directors will be holding the RSU 12 District Budget Meeting. This town-meeting style meeting is the first step in a two-step budget process. RSU 12 citizens at the meeting vote on each cost center of the school budget. The second step of the process is on June 14th when citizens vote at local polling stations on whether or not they approve the budget that was decided on at the May 25th District Budget Meeting. You can learn more detail about the budget by going to this website, https://www.svrsu.org/page/rsu-12-proposed-budget-fiscal-year-2023. The RSU 12 Board of Directors encourages all RSU 12 residents to attend the RSU 12 District Budget Meeting on Wednesday.

Today's, May 20th, baseball game will now start at 3:30.

Today's softball game vs. St. Michaels has been cancelled due to impending weather. No makeup game is being scheduled at this point.
Today's baseball game between Windsor and Palermo has been cancelled. No make-up game scheduled at this point.

There is a PAWS meeting tonight in the library at 6pm. We will be planning the end of the year carnival, so if you want to get in on the fun, join us! Everyone is welcome!

Baseball practice today, Tuesday, May 17, 2022 has been cancelled.

Todays baseball game vs St Michael’s has been moved to Friday at 4:00.

The baseball and softball games scheduled for Monday, May 16 have been postponed. We will let you know when we have a rescheduled date. Thank you

We are sorry but we had some bus changes this afternoon. Some of your children will be on a different bus and will be late.

More from our Farm to School Partnership about the May harvest of the month

We're having a hat day tomorrow at Windsor School to raise money for a family who lost their home to a fire. Kids and staff can wear a hat for a suggested $1 donation. Thank you!

Sheepscot Valley RSU 12 and its partners were awarded $99,853 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm to School Program to expand local food programs and support connections to students and their communities. Through this grant, school nutrition staff will receive additional support, education, and training to efficiently serve local foods and connect those efforts to agricultural education in the classroom and community. Coordination between the classroom and the cafeteria will promote healthy, local food choices for students to increase student engagement around food choices and to increase meal participation. As part of that grant, we are celebrating May's Harvest of the Month - Blueberries.

RSU 12 Board of Directors meets May 5, 2022, 6:30pm, Chelsea Elementary School. Agenda and information can be found here, https://www.svrsu.org/documents/rsu-12-board-of-directors-agendas-and-backup/2021-2022/may-2022/319767

The fundraiser orders have been shipped to the school! If your child is in grades 2-8, s/he will bring their order home unless it is too large to carry. For kids in pre-k through grade 1, we ask that parents come pick up the orders in the office. Feel free to call with any questions at 445-2356. Thanks again for supporting our fundraiser!

We are so excited to be having a middle school dance tonight; our first one in a few years! Parents, please come inside to pick up your children at the end of the dance. Students will not be released from the lobby until parents come inside to get them. If your child is going home with another student, you must provide us with a written permission slip. Thank you

Today's, April 28, baseball game against Palermo has been cancelled. The softball game against Whitefield will still be played @4:00.

Our third, fourth and fifth grades are proud to present "Night at the Museum" tonight from 5-6pm. We can't wait to share our students' wonderful work!

Our spring concert will be held on Tuesday, May 3. Students in pre-k to grade 3 will perform at 5pm. Doors will open at 4:45. After the first concert, we will clear the gym and students in grades 4-6 plus band and chorus will perform at 6pm. Doors for the second concert open at 5:45. We look forward to seeing you!

We will not have after school program on Friday 4/29 CCLC Windsor.

All sports practices have been cancelled today, Baseball, Softball and Track. 4/14/22