If interested you can call the school or email Karen McCormick at kmccormick@svrsu.org or Tim Davis at tdavis@svrsu.org.
Attention all families: Please take this 5 minute survey from MaineHealth. Even if you completed the survey last year, we need your participation again!
Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a prize drawing and five lucky winners across the state will each receive a $100 Amazon gift card for their personal use AND if you win, our school will receive $1,000.
Other schools are participating, so the more families from our school who complete the survey, the greater our chance of winning $1,000!
Contact information for the prize drawing will be collected at the end of the survey and will not be connected to your survey responses. All survey responses are anonymous.
Click the following link to begin the survey: https://redcap.link/2023FamilySCH
Thank you!
Kendra Anderson, RN
RSU #12
Whitefield School
549-5251 ext 6103
Rain didn't stop some Whitefield students and staff from showing school board members the work they've done with the school greenhouse, garden club, and aquaponics program. The students explained how they grow vegetables and herbs from seed, how the fish and plants mutually benefit from the aquaponics system, and how they've managed to supply fresh produce to their school cafeteria. Many thanks to the staff, students, and grant funds that have made this all possible! Thanks, too, for the partnership with Food Corps, which is helping the program grow.
We have been taking a lot of phone calls this week asking if there is school on Friday the 6th. Yes, we do have school on Friday the 6th of October. We Monday October 9th off for Indigenous People's Day.
Pumpkin sale Saturday, October 7 from 8 am to 11 am at the new hoop house behind school.
We have limited available slots in our RSU 12 staff daycare for children aged 3 to 5. Our staff members have not claimed all these slots; thus, we are opening them to individuals outside our organization. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who knows someone who is searching for daycare services. Please note that this daycare operates on a school-year schedule. Please keep in mind that it is on a first come, first-served basis. The daycare is located at Windsor Elementary School. The daycare schedule runs during the school day, during school hours. Thank you. If you are interested, kindly email rsu12daycare@gmail.com as soon as possible.
We will be switching breakfast on Monday, October 2 and Tuesday, October 3.
Monday will be waffle sticks, fruit and milk.
Tuesday will be a bagel with cream cheese, fruit and milk.
School picture day info
The RSU 12 Board of Directors meeting on September 14, 2023 has been postponed and rescheduled for October 12, 2023
School picture day will be on Thursday, September 28th.
Please remember to fill out the beginning of the year parent packet and return to the school as soon as possible. Those packets contain some time sensitive and important information needed to keep our systems up to date.
Due to the high heat index in the 90s again this afternoon, all RSU 12 schools will be closing at 11:30 am today. Our buildings do not have air conditioning and the classrooms did not cool much last night. We are expecting many classrooms to get over 100 degrees again this afternoon. Thank you for your patience and understanding with this unexpected weather. We look forward to cooler days ahead.
For those students who completed the Read-to-Ride forms over the summer break, these forms need to be returned by September 22nd to Mrs. Howard in the Learning Commons.
Due to the extreme heat advisory this afternoon, all RSU 12 schools will be closing at 12:30 pm today. Our buildings do not have air conditioning and many classrooms are expected to get over 100 degrees. Thank you for your patience and understanding with this unexpected early dismissal.
Please be aware that there is a menu change for tomorrow and Thursday.
On 9/6 we will be having a ham and cheese wrap, veggie sticks , strawberry cup and milk for lunch. On 9/7 the lunch will be grilled chicken caesar salad, bread stick, peach cup and milk.
From Principal Deblois:
Whew...the first days flew by but were positive and productive.
Our new procedure for parents bringing their children to school and picking them up at the close of school is working very well. With that said, I am still observing parents parking on Route #126. Please use the upper parking lot for everyone's sake. Even this afternoon, with a large number of parents coming in to pick up their children, there were a good number of vacant parking spots available. Also, with the exception of the parking spot next to the handicapped reserved space, the spaces directly in front of the school are available for parent usage as well. Finally, please enter and exit the upper parking lot through the entrance closest to the playground / basketball court (the left side entrance if you are facing the school). This will keep you from being caught up in bus traffic and will provide plenty of room for our buses to maneuver.
I recognize this procedure is all new and has actually worked quite well. With a few more tweaks it will even be better.
Thanks for your cooperation in this effort and I hope you all enjoy a terrific holiday weekend. We'll see everyone on Tuesday.
Mark Deblois, Principal
Whitefield Elementary School
164 Grand Army Road
Whitefield, ME 04353-3503
(207) 549-5251
Email: mdeblois@svrsu.org
"At Whitefield Elementary School We Have PRIDE INSIDE"
Breakfast and lunch menus for August and September.
The Whitefield School office will be closed on Friday, August 25th and the morning of Monday, August 28th. The office will be open by noon on the 28th.
We will be having a Back To School Open House on Tuesday, August 29th. It will be from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. This is a great way for students and their families to meet the teachers and staff of Whitefield School.
Yesterday, volunteers from Calvary Bible Baptist Church came over and started painting 4 square courts on our newly resurfaced basketball court. They look amazing, but they aren't finished yet. They plan on coming back this weekend to finish up the work. The basketball court is roped off. We ask that everyone stay off of the basketball court until the caution tape comes down. We thank you for you r cooperation in this.