We are partnering with Central Church to provide Easter boxes to Windsor School families. If you would like to receive a free dinner box for your family, please email Mrs. Wilson at hwilson@svrsu.org or call the school at 445-2356. Thank you!

Lost and found items from this Winter are clearing out next week. Come and look through our collection during parent teacher conferences.

All schools in RSU 12 will have a two-hour delay this morning, Wednesday, March 15th.

Drama rehearsal schedule UPDATE:
Mondays 2:30-4:30
Wednesdays 1:30-3:30

Due to the impending storm, all schools in RSU 12 will release at 11:30 am today, Tuesday, March 14th.

Menu changes due to supply issues:
Wednesday March 15th breakfast will be egg & cheese on a bagel. In honor of Maine's Birthday, at lunch we will be serving local chicken drumsticks, local sweet potatoes, broccoli and Maine blueberry squares.
Thursday March 16th breakfast will be Benefit bar.

Windsor Elementary's fundraiser starts today, and we need your help. Our goal is to raise $13,000.00 for essential programs not currently funded through traditional means.
It's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
1 Register TONIGHT at www.ShopFund.com
2 Share custom support links with family & friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, Text and more.
3 Student Goal: 5 Online Supporters.
REGISTER-SHARE-WIN: Sharing gets you tickets for chances to win over $100,000 in instant prizes.
Fundraiser Links:
• Why We Fundraise - (https://vimeo.com/showcase/8770815)
• How To Videos - (https://vimeo.com/showcase/8752340)
• Kick-Off Videos - (https://vimeo.com/showcase/9642654)
• Parent Letter - (https://www.cherrydalebackoffice.com/Fundraisers/ParentLetterPreview.aspx?parent=1&opid=NXBTRS1(%2fQIB+W%3c)
• Prize Program - (https://bit.ly/3JlRAyo )
On behalf of myself and the staff at Windsor Elementary, thank you for doing your part to make our fundraiser a success.

The Windsor CLC after school program and drama are canceled today, March 2, due to the weather.

We have rescheduled the January/February assembly for next Tuesday, March 7th, at 9:50 am.

Today's third grade field trip to Portland will still proceed as planned, leaving from the school as soon as possible after 9:00. Thank you

There will be a one hour delay this morning for all RSU 12 schools today, Wednesday, March 1st.

Annette's bus (bus 43) will be leaving school early tomorrow, March 1. Students on this bus will be home approximately one hour early tomorrow afternoon. We have one less bus due to a field trip. The morning run is not affected. Thank you for your understanding.

Due to the predicted snow today, all schools in RSU 12 are closed today, Tuesday, February 28, 2023.

Attention: Due to the road closure on Rt. 17, Mr. Clint's bus (Bus 18) will be running late dropping students off on Nickerson Lane and at Pine Ridge Trailer Park. Please expect them to be 10-20 minutes behind schedule in the afternoon. Call 445-2356 with any questions. Thank you for your patience as we make adjustments during this road closure period.

Attention: Due to the road closure on Rt. 17, Mr. Clint's bus (Bus 18) will be running early starting on Monday, February 27. Students on Nickerson Lane and in Pine Ridge Trailer Park will be picked up approximately 20 minutes early. Look for the bus at 6:30. If you are on the other side of the detour in Somerville, you will be picked up approximately 10 minutes early. Call 445-2356 with any questions. Thank you for your patience as we make adjustments.

All RSU 12 afterschool activities are canceled this afternoon due to the icy road conditions predicted later this afternoon.

The CLC after school program is canceled today, February 17, due to inclement weather.

The RSU 12 Board of Directors meeting for tonight, February 9, 2023 has been cancelled.

Today's girls' games at China will be a combined jv and varsity team due to low numbers. They will play China's jv at 4:00. All players should be picked up by a parent after the game at 5:00. Thank you.

Students who ride Debbie's bus #22 will be dismissed one hour early today (Wednesday February 8th) at 12:30. We apologize for the disruption that this causes. If you need to make different arrangements for your child please call the school before 12pm so we have time adjust their plan.