Eligible school administrative units, including RSU 12, have an opportunity to apply to Maine's Department of Education for American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds, and RSU 12 needs your input. Please visit our webpage to provide feedback to help us with our application. Thank you!

Please see this important message from the Maine Department of Education and consider completing a Meal benefit Application. It helps our schools and may provide you and your family some benefits as well. You can complete the application online at http://svrsu.schoollunchapp.com or download a paper copy of the application from https://www.maine.gov/doe/schools/nutrition/studenteligibility. Thank you!
Call to Action for Maine Parents: Complete the Meal Benefit at School This Year - Even if School Meals are Free
Maine needs all parents and caregivers to take action this school year––by taking the time to complete the confidential Meal Benefit Application through your local school, even if school meals are already free for all students. Families, schools, communities, and our state can greatly benefit from the data that is gathered from the application, and this application is important for a number of reasons.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, when school meals became complementary, there has been a significant drop in Meal Benefit Application returns––meaning less families are filling out the application.
The family income data provided by the application informs key funding for school resources. This includes school meal reimbursements, funding for Title I programs, funding and resources for after school programs, funding provided to schools from the Maine State Legislature for essential programs and services at school, funding for special education, teacher loan forgiveness, and much, much more!
Federal and state government use the aggregate data from the application to distribute education funding to schools across the county and state of Maine. In other words, if there is no data to inform the needs of the community, it could result in less education funding for your local district and for Maine.
By completing the Meal Benefit Application, you are directly investing in your child’s education and the children and families in your community.
Specific programs that are funded by the data collected from Meal Benefit Application:
Title 1 schools
Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
Essential Programs and Services (EPS) funding allocated directly to Maine Schools through the Maine Department of Education (State funding)
Before/After School Programs
Summer School Programs
Special academic programming, and grant opportunities initiated by the Maine Department of Education (DOE)
Teacher student loan forgiveness
How can I complete the Meal Benefit Application? The application is available through your local school administrative unit (SAU) school nutrition program and it is completely confidential. Most SAUs have the application available to be completed online. Follow this link (https://www.nlappscloud.com/) to access your SAU’s online application (if your school district is not listed, please contact them directly). A printed version of the application is also required to be available––it will often be part of beginning of year paperwork that comes home with your child.
This past school year has certainly had its challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We are thrilled that, despite these challenges, all Maine children have had the opportunity to access free healthy school meals on a daily basis. We would like to extend our gratitude to Maine parents and caregivers who have participated in their SAUs’ meal programs. We know that with the continued support of Maine’s incredible families, we can ensure the best for our children.

As you may know, Governor Mills ended Maine's State of Civil Emergency on June 30. As of this date, masks are no longer required in schools, and RSU 12 will not require them for students participating in summer programming. Masks continue to be recommended for those who have not been vaccinated. Anyone who chooses to wear a mask may do so. In addition, RSU 12 will continue to encourage social distancing wherever possible. We hope everyone has a safe and healthy summer!

School Nutrition Staff Go Above and Beyond at Whitefield Elementary

The votes are in. The 2021-2022 RSU 12 School Budget was approved yesterday by RSU 12 voters. Thank you for your support!

Remember to vote today! It is voting day today for the RSU 12 School Budget at your local polling station.

This is a reminder that tomorrow is voting day. The RSU 12 School Budget is on the ballot. Please remember to vote at your local polling station.

All RSU 12 schools will dismiss early again tomorrow, Tuesday, June 7, at 11:30am due to the predicted extreme heat and the predicted heat advisory.

All RSU 12 schools will release early today at 11:30am due to the active heat advisory that has been issued by the National Weather Service.

We have been awarded a Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant, which will allow us to send home a box of food for every student in the school. If you would like to pick up a box, please fill out the form that will come home today, or message Becky Wilson at bwilson@svrsu.org. Boxes can be picked up any day after school next week, 6/7-6/11.

The Emergency Broadband Benefit will provide a discount of up to $50 per month toward broadband service for eligible families and households who are struggling to stay connected during the #COVID19 pandemic. Qualifying households on Tribal lands can receive a discount of up to $75 per month for service. Eligible households can also receive a discount of up to $100 for the purchase of a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers. For more info, please visit: fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit. #DigitalDivide #BroadbandForAll

RSU 12 and Whitefield Elementary School win the state cook-off Championship! Congratulations to our School Nutrition Heroes!

Fundraiser orders are ready to go home. We are sending some large orders home with older children. Small orders may be in your younger child's backpack. If your younger child has a large order, you may need to come to the school to pick it up. The office staff will let you in during the week until 3:15. Today and Friday we will be here until 4pm. Thank you!

The Maine CDC Health Advisory System Update designated Kennebec County as “Yellow” yesterday. However, RSU 12 will continue to provide in-person learning five days a week for the time being and we will monitor the case rates in Kennebec County. RSU 12 will not initiate a split cohort A/B hybrid learning approach at this time. We look forward to seeing all students return to school this Monday, April 26th.
Please find a letter with more information here,

Bus 26 (Mr. Blake's bus) will be running 10-15 minutes late this afternoon due to a shortage of drivers. Thank you for your understanding.

RSU 12 Nutrition Department is entered in the State of Maine Virtual Farm to School COOK OFF. Deadline to vote is right NOW! April 2nd. Everyone PLEASE VOTE for RSU 12 at this link, https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=q6g_QX0gYkubzeoajy-GTm3ajDsVwW9HtXW_ixaL5hdUN0E2NzRYRlZEVDlOSkhVNVMzMkhaRU1LNS4u

If your child signs up for hot lunch tomorrow, March 25, s/he will be automatically signed up for a lunch on Friday, March 26, which is a staff workshop day. This bagged lunch will be passed out when the students leave on Thursday. If you do not want your child to receive this meal, please call the office to opt out. Thank you.

Bus 26 (Mr. Blake's bus) will be running about 10-15 minutes late this afternoon. Thank you for your understanding.

Parents of Windsor fifth graders, please check your email for an important update. Thank you

Because our middle school is going remote for the week, we will postpone Spirit Week until we can all celebrate together. Thank you for understanding.