
An after-school Coding Club to learn computer programming will run for 6 weeks this Spring at Windsor School, starting Tuesday, March 5th.  This club will be run by Jenn Richardson and Kim St. Onge. The Coding Club is open to Windsor students in 3rd through 8th grade. Students will be using code.org’s online coding activities, MIT’s Scratch programming website, and Sphero programmable robots.  

This year coders will be required to start a new club project, learn new skills, and present their project to fellow coders at the April 9th class.  

Coding Club will run from 2:30 - 4:00 on the following Tuesdays:

Tuesday, March 5

Tuesday, March 12

Tuesday, March 19     

Tuesday, March 26

Tuesday, April 2

Tuesday, April 9th

Students will meet in Mrs. St Onge’s class after dismissal.  Snacks are not provided, but your child may bring his/her own snack.  Please pick up your child by 4:00, in the lobby near the main office.

If you would like your child to participate in this after school club, please fill out this permission slip and return it to Mrs. Richardson at school.  Due to space, we can only accept 24 students.  Students will be accepted into the club on a first come, first serve basis.  I will email you to let you know if your child is one of the first 24 students. Please contact Mrs. Richardson if you have any questions.  

( jrichardson@svrsu.org )


My child, ___________________________________, has my permission to join the Windsor Elementary School Coding Club, meeting after school from 2:30 - 4:00 on the above dates.    

I understand that continued membership in the Coding Club is contingent on my child exhibiting appropriate behavior and using their time in a constructive manner.  

Parent Printed name____________________________________ Date___________

Parent Signature________________________________________

Phone Number (where you can be reached during Coding Club) ____________________

Email _______________________________________