Barnes & Noble Bookfair Nov. 15

Our annual Barnes & Noble Book fair takes place in the Augusta store on Thursday, Nov. 15th, from 4:00 - 7:00. Join us for shopping and face-painting, crafts, student art show, photos with the Windsor Wildcat, Student Council raffle, Ugly Sweater Contest, gift wrapping and more. Pizza, snacks and treats, as well as our signature book fair Frosty Whiskers drink, will be available in the Café. A percentage of sales all day on Nov. 15 will benefit the school.

If you can't attend the book fair in person, your online purchases from Nov. 15 - 20 at will also benefit the school. At check-out on the payment page, scroll to the very bottom and choose "Check this box if it is a Book fair order." Enter the Book fair ID for Windsor: 12462768

Thanks for your support!