We are so excited to see our wildcats play soccer today! Please help us by following the new guidelines.
Here is a summary of the key points of emphasis.
Space players at least 6 feet apart whenever possible (e.g., during warmup, skill building activities, simulation drills, when explaining drills or the rules of the game).
Organizers of community sports activities are responsible for limiting the number of individuals that can gather in a shared space, in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order on gathering size limits, currently set at 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors, or fewer if distancing rules cannot be accommodated.
Face coverings must always be worn by coaches, staff, and spectators.
Any spectator, on school grounds, and outside the confines of their vehicle, will be expected to wear a face covering. If you cannot abide by this expectation, you may be asked to leave.
Spectators must maintain 6 feet of physical distance between themselves and others.
Players must wear face coverings when not engaged in active play (e.g. during coaching strategy sessions, in the bench area, or any indoor activity).
Home teams shall provide hand sanitizer/sanitizing stations at the scorer’s table and each team bench.
All students-athletes must bring their own water vessel clearly labeled with their name.
It should be the understanding of both teams involved in the contest that student-athletes have completed a self-screening for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 prior to participation or entrance into an opposing school’s facilities.
Student-athletes who attend school during the day will not be screened again. Remote learners and home-schooled athletes will need to be screened by their guardians and by their coaches prior to competing.
Team areas may be expanded for players only toward the end line to promote social distancing.
All participants and coaches shall always wear face covering while on or in the bench area.
Mask may be removed while hydrating so long as the person hydrating is 6 feet from anyone else in/on the bench area.
Student-athletes should keep their mouth guards in their mouth throughout the competition. If the mouth guard is taken out a player’s hands should also be washed or disinfected before continuing to play.
Prohibit unnecessary physical contact, such as high fives, handshakes, fist bumps, or hugs.
Thank you all for your help!