Just a friendly reminder about attendance and tardiness.
A day lost from school cannot be replaced. Make-up work cannot duplicate the original instruction or interaction, which took place within the classroom. Developing good work habits in students begins now and school attendance is critical to forming good life habits.
Parents are encouraged to call the school the day of the student’s absence. Parents will be called from the school to check on student absences. Students absent from school are not allowed to participate in school or after-school activities on the day of their absence.
Students planning to take trips with their family during the school year are to write the principal a letter requesting an excused absence. The letter should state reasons detailing the educational advantages of the trip. The principal will approve or not approve the trip as an excused absence.
Make-up work for any extended absence should be completed within a week of return. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up assignments when he/she returns to school, or to make arrangements for the work to be sent home via another student.
By state law, the following criteria will be used to determine if an absence is excused or unexcused. Excused absences are for:
1. Personal illness confirmed by parent;
2. An appointment with a health professional confirmed by a note from the health professional;
3. Observance of a recognized religious holiday when the observance is required during the regular school day;
4. A family emergency confirmed by parent contact with school; or
5. A planned absence for a personal or educational purpose, which has been approved by the school principal.
When a student is absent for more than 3 days consecutively, a note from a doctor is required for absences to be considered excused unless the absences have been approved by the principal.
* Reference RSU Policy JEA – Compulsory Attendance
Tardiness/Parent Dismissals
Instructional time is shortchanged if students are tardy, or are dismissed from school. Students should bring a note to explain their tardiness/dismissal and should stop at the office if they arrive anytime after 8:15. Notes/communication are requested to explain the tardiness/dismissal, just as we expect for an excused absence (see the 5 acceptable reasons for absence, above). If tardiness becomes chronic (more than 6 times), equivalent hours from school shall be estimated and the case handled as with other unexcused absences.