The revised calendar can be found here, Revised RSU 12 School Year Calendar

Paper copies will be sent home too.

February 28, 2018

Dear Sheepscot Valley RSU 12 Community,

The RSU 12 Board of Directors recently approved changes to the current school year calendar in order to prevent students from completing the school year too late in June. Please see a summary of the changes below. Also, please see the revised 2017-2018 school year calendar.

March 16th will be a full day of school for students. Teachers will hold their workshop day after school is out.

March 28th will be a full day of school instead of an Early Release.

April 13th will be a school day for students. Students will dismiss at 11:30am. 

April 25th will be a full day of school instead of an Early Release.

May 30th will be a full day of school instead of an Early Release.

June 6th will be a full day of school instead of an Early Release.

June 13th will be a full day of school instead of an Early Release.

Also, please note: Extra days will be added to all schools if we have any more storm days after the publication of this calendar.


Howard Tuttle 
Sheepscot Valley RSU 12 Superintendent