Tuesday The kids miss you all. Here's some pics from today. Zoom meeting with Mrs Acosta, some Happy Numbers with Mrs Beeckel, and icee with Nana.
over 4 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Ice, ice
AWE Air Hugs
Looking Happy
Loves his zoom visits
Grade 1&2 students and parents. Belongings from lockers and the classroom are now available for pickup in the lobby for all grade 1 and 2 students. If you come in to pick up items and have other children as well, please just let us know and we will find the items. Calling ahead would insure that we have them ready when you get here.
over 4 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
On Tuesday, Kaicen, Baileigh and baby sister Harper, once again dressed up in fun Halloween costumes to go to the hospital and wave to patients on the ground floor. It was breezy, but they were troopers and it made the patients' day! Next stop, Windows of patients at Graybirch nursing home! I bet they just love seeing all of your smiling faces coming their way. I hope you get lots of smiles from them. You have no idea the good you are doing for these ladies and gentlemen who have to stay in there by themselves. Thank you for what you are all doing!
over 4 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Who wouldn't smile at these faces?
Today was a fun day of cutting and pasting and taping. Along with some math. Then we took a ride and read while mom drove. We had a special treat of Taco Bell and Burger King for lunch (two kids with way different food likes...hahaha). A quick hour on our bikes at Windsor Fair. And now we are watching Jumanji to finish off the day. This was Wednesday. Mrs. Metta got behind on email.
over 4 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Pasting and math FUN
Solving Math Problems
Cutting and Pasting
RSU 12 would like to remind our families that your children may be eligible for free and reduced meals in the fall. If your financial circumstances have changed recently, please consider completing the application at http://svrsu.schoollunchapp.com. This will allow us to determine whether we can provide your child meals for free or at a reduced rate in the first month of school next year. In the meantime, we will continue to bus meals to our students during the current school closure.
over 4 years ago, RSU 12
Lily doing zoom with her class and Noah working on some online learning
over 4 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Now this is focused!
Lily's teacher loves seeing her online
Snowy Saturday time is Lego building time.. The Parker Lego Masters
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Noah enjoying lego day
Planting was our favorite.
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
lots of rich soil
I hate the mess I always have when planting
Fishing, that is where it's at. Ian started off slow but look at that big one.
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Look at that one
Slow start Ian. Are you trying to put it to sleep.
Ian taking advantage of everything life has to offer. LIFE'S LESSONS SO IMPORTANT! Enjoy Ian
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Oh no
The weekend is coming guys! Hard at work with school packets
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
More math
Someone is reading books!
Noah and Lilly Ending their week working on Sumdog and Lexia
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Creating and reading words
A little math here maybe?
A big shout out: Ms. Breton has most words read at 5,086,863 for her homeroom class. Highest two readers in the school Ian Ball at 1,062,396 and top reader Jade McCollett at 1,281,692. The whole school has a total of 21,773,612. Very proud!!
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Calling all 4-year-olds! RSU 12 is now accepting PreK applications for the 2020-21 school year. Please contact one the RSU 12 schools or go online at https://www.svrsu.org/documents for an application. RSU 12 has PreK classrooms at Chelsea, Somerville, Whitefield, and Windsor.
almost 5 years ago, RSU 12
As we continue to stay home and stay safe, here at Chelsea Elementary School our Specials teachers came together to demonstrate YOGA poses for you. We followed our 6 feet apart rule and cleaned the area when we were finished. Stay Safe Stay Healthy LINK - https://bit.ly/3b10bUj
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
YOGA with Specials teachers
 Calling all four year olds in RSU 12!  RSU 12 and local Head Start programs are collaborating to offer a free, high quality, comprehensive Pre-Kindergarten program to children in the district who turn four by October 15, 2020.  Programs will be located Chelsea, Whitefield, Windsor and Somerville.  Bus transportation will be provided.  Pre -K programs will operate Monday through Friday, and follow the school schedule. Meals will be served and a short rest period will be included.  Classrooms will be staffed by certified Early Childhood Teachers.  All families are encouraged to apply. Applications can be found online at svrsu.org/documents  For more information about this Pre-K/Head Start collaboration, please contact your local RSU 12 elementary school.  Please note that schools are currently closed due to the COVID-19 health emergency and you may need to leave a message.  RSU 12 serves the towns of Alna, Chelsea, Palermo, Somerville, Westport, Whitefield, and Windsor.
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Haidyn Smith has been with her mom for most of this hard time but she is now home and I wanted to send some pics of the things she been doing..art..home ec..sports..and just having fun. Glad your home Haidyn
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Art projects
Are the dogs playing soccer too
Artistic Haidyn
Must be the girls turn to make supper
RSU 12 is excited to share this information from the Maine Department of Education. Some of our teachers are involved in this project! Many thanks to them and to all of the teachers that made this possible. Maine Public, the Maine Department of Education, and Educate Maine have joined forces to create original, educational programming for grade school students in Grades 3 to 5. Dedicated teachers from across Maine have developed original video lessons, pulling content from their own lesson plans and sources to provide exceptional learning opportunities for Maine students. The Learning Space will be broadcast on Maine Public Television at 12:30 p.m. each weekday starting on Monday, April 27. As more episodes are developed, the broadcast schedule will expand to run from Noon to 1:00. Episodes of The Learning Space will be archived for later viewing on numerous platforms online including on mainepublic.org. The Learning Space will air through the spring to mid-June.
almost 5 years ago, RSU 12
Chelsea Elementary School Staff has a message to all our students and families. Please click the site below. #RSU12CARES https://youtu.be/Q8zRoYQrBgE
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Kameron is rocking this science and math stuff as he builds lava lamps and his very own trailer for his four wheeler. Hey Kameron did you have to use any math to build that? Great job
almost 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
This is what Kam has built over the past few days.
Science Project
Lava Lamp