American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Information
American Rescue Plan Use of Funds - This link will take you to a summary of how American Rescue Plan funds are being used. This plan may be adjusted over time and resubmitted for approval. Eligible school administrative units (SAUs), including RSU 12, can apply to Maine's Department of Education for American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP and ESSER) funds. The ARP ESSER application can be found here.
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Notice
RSU 12 In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
RSU 12 GEPA Statement:
RSU 12 recognizes the importance of equitable access to, and participation in federally assisted programs for students, teachers, and their beneficiaries with special needs. Potential barriers that can impede equitable access to and participation in these programs includes gender, race, national origin, color, disability, and/or age. Individuals who are members of special populations will be provided with equal access to enrollment and placement in educational programs available to individuals who are not members of special populations, including specific courses, apprenticeship programs, Title I, and to the extent practicable, comprehensive career guidance and counseling services, and shall not be discriminated against on the basis of their status as members of special populations.
Descriptions of the steps that RSU 12 employs to overcome these barriers are as follows:
1. Ensuring accessibility of facilities and programs for all students, teachers, and other stakeholders, by eliminating natural barriers for the enhancement of mobility and accessibility.
2. Staff Development for teaching students in the least restrictive environment.
3. Providing academic adjustments and modifications in curriculum and instruction.
4. Equipment adaptation to ensure special populations can use equipment appropriately.
5. Providing related services such as occupational and physical therapy services, transportation, etc., to enhance participation programs.
6. Utilizing classroom assistants and tutors to enhance inclusionary practices.
7. Having psychologists, interventionists, and other professionals provide in-service training on teaching strategies for regular classroom teachers.
8. Maintaining a robust intervention system to identify students in need of assistance.