Whitefield Elementary School held a community forum in order to collect information from the community about areas in which the school should work to improve. The forum generated many ideas and the school has embarked on a process to address the areas of improvement. Below is a link to the recommendations list from the Whitefield Elementary education forum.

In January 2018, an action committee was formed to coordinate this improvement work. The group is called the Whitefield Collaborative Problem-Solving Project. There are twenty-two members of this group representing many different parts of the Whitefield Community.

 The group membership list

Our Problem Solving Guidelines and Standards

Informational Press Release about the Project

Minutes from our meetings

Below are some actions that have been initiated or will be initiated in the near future which include, but are not limited to:

  • Initiation of the Whitefield Collaborative Problem-Solving Project committee in January 2018.

  • Bus aides on all buses.

  • Budgeting for video cameras on all buses.

  • Review and refinement of discipline policies including district bullying policies.

  • Continued implementation of restorative practices and further training for educators.

  • Contracted with a  Restorative Practices and Bullying Prevention Consultant to train educators.

  • Additional anti-bullying and anti-harassment training for all staff.

  • Mr. Soule hired as interim principal.

  • Monthly positive behavior celebration assemblies for students.

  • Civil Rights team implementation and activities.

  • Reviewing barriers to volunteer coordination.

  • An "Education Celebration" scheduled for June 6, 2018.

  • Volunteer coordinator identified and established. Enrichment volunteer program planned for fall 2018. Volunteer tutoring program initiated.

  • New Hope for women provided age-appropriate education to all students and staff around harassment.

  • Bathroom check in and out mandatory and enforced. 

  • Bathrooms checked daily for graffiti, etc.

  • Bus incidents that had been reported are investigated with students. Solutions and interventions implemented.

  • Bus aide placement is also adjusted to reflect areas that have proven to be difficult.

  • Bus trivia competitions.

  • Exploring an NJHS Reading mentors on the bus program.

  • Increased volunteerism in school; actively seeking volunteers to be student mentors and tutors.

  • Aquaponics added to student programming as appropriate.

  • Spanish added as supplemental education component for students as appropriate.

  • Restorative Circles continue with kids surrounding issues.

  • Middle school staff increased the screen monitoring on computers with additional software. 

  • Honor roll completed and published.

  • Revisit and training with staff on documentation and reporting of concerns.

  • Increase in school to parent communication.

  • A full-time nurse hired.

  • ODR's will be sent home to parents next year beginning in the fall.

  • Work with Restorative Practice consultant began May 9th.

  • Civil Rights Team joining State Civil Rights Team Project for increased networking and resources.

  • RSU 12 School Board forms the Anti-Bullying Committee to monitor bullying prevention efforts.

  • Student Incident Reporting Form created to be implemented in the fall of  2018. 

  • Initiation of more after-school enrichment activities in areas such as coding, art, theater, aquaponics, 4-H and more.

  • Bullying Prevention, PBIS resources for parents made more readily available and user-friendly 

  • Literature to increase community awareness of school communication options.